
Hoe om betyds aflewering in warm weer te verseker.

In die huidige hoëtemperatuurseisoen is dit baie belangrik om aandag te skenk aan maatreëls vir werkersgesondheid en -veiligheid, veral in hoëtemperatuuromgewings. We will provide appropriate amounts of ice water and watermelon as well as prepare heatstroke prevention medicines to help workers maintain a balance of body temperature and moisture under high temperatures and reduce fatigue and discomfort. In addition, we add some temporary workers and adjust the work schedule when necessary to reduce the work pressure of the workers. This helps ensure that the workers can maintain high efficiency and good working condition even under high-load work conditions.

Daarbenewens sal ons die toerusting elke dag inspekteer om die normale werking en instandhouding van die toerusting te verseker om toerustingonderbrekings wat deur hoë temperatuurweer veroorsaak word, te voorkom. These measures will help ensure product quality and on-time delivery, while also improving workers' work experience and productivity.

By Yijiang spesialiseer ons in vervaardiging. Ons pasmaak nie net aan nie, maar skep ook saam met jou.

WhatsApp: +86 13862448768 Mnr. Tom


Pos tyd: Jul-19-2024