taub hau_banner

crawler taug qab undercarriage

  • Drilling rig mobile crusher qhov chaw crawler undercarriage nrog steel khiav thiab hydraulic lub cev muaj zog los ntawm Tuam Tshoj

    Drilling rig mobile crusher qhov chaw crawler undercarriage nrog steel khiav thiab hydraulic lub cev muaj zog los ntawm Tuam Tshoj

    Lub tuam txhab Yijiang tuaj yeem ua raws li kev cai undercarriage rau kev tsim kho tshuab. Cov txheej txheem ntau lawm yog ua raws li nruj raws li cov txheej txheem ntawm machining thiab manufacturing, thiab qib zoo yog siab.

    Cov khoom yog tsim los rau drilling rig / mobile crusher, qhov tshwj xeeb tsis yog raws li hauv qab no:

    Dav ntawm roj hmab khiav (mm): 500

    Load peev (kg): 20000

    Qhov hnyav (kg): 5000

    Lub cev muaj zog qauv: Kev sib tham hauv tsev lossis Ntshuam

    Qhov loj me (hli): 4500 * 500 * 750

    Kev ceev ceev (km / h): 1-2km / h

    Max qib muaj peev xwm a°: ≤30°

    Hom: YIKANG lossis Custom LOGO rau koj

  • Steel khiav undercarriage customized struactural qhov chaw rau mini mining demolition thiab crusher neeg hlau

    Steel khiav undercarriage customized struactural qhov chaw rau mini mining demolition thiab crusher neeg hlau

    Lub tuam txhab Yijiang tuaj yeem ua raws li kev cai undercarriage rau kev tsim kho tshuab. Cov txheej txheem ntau lawm yog ua raws li nruj raws li cov txheej txheem ntawm machining thiab manufacturing, thiab qib zoo yog siab.

    Cov khoom yog tsim los rau mini demolition thiab crusher neeg hlau, qhov tshwj xeeb tsis yog raws li nram no:

    Dav ntawm roj hmab khiav (mm): 230

    Load peev (kg): 2000

    Qhov hnyav (kg): 800

    Lub cev muaj zog qauv: Kev sib tham hauv tsev lossis Ntshuam

    Qhov Loj (mm): 1600 * 1080 * 360

    Kev khiav ceev (km / h): 2-4km / h

    Max qib muaj peev xwm a°: ≤30°

    Hom: YIKANG lossis Custom LOGO rau koj


  • High quality Steel khiav undercarriage nrog hydraulic lub cev muaj zog rau drilling rig mobile crusher Tuam Tshoj chaw tsim tshuaj paus

    High quality Steel khiav undercarriage nrog hydraulic lub cev muaj zog rau drilling rig mobile crusher Tuam Tshoj chaw tsim tshuaj paus

    Lub tuam txhab Yijiang tuaj yeem ua raws li kev cai undercarriage rau kev tsim kho tshuab. Cov txheej txheem ntau lawm yog ua raws li nruj raws li cov txheej txheem ntawm machining thiab manufacturing, thiab qib zoo yog siab.

    Cov khoom yog tsim los rau drilling rig / mobile crusher, qhov tshwj xeeb tsis yog raws li hauv qab no:

    Dav ntawm roj hmab khiav (mm): 500

    Load peev (kg): 20000

    Qhov hnyav (kg): 5000

    Lub cev muaj zog qauv: Kev sib tham hauv tsev lossis Ntshuam

    Qhov loj me (hli): 4500 * 500 * 750

    Kev ceev ceev (km / h): 1-2km / h

    Max qib muaj peev xwm a°: ≤30°

    Hom: YIKANG lossis Custom LOGO rau koj

  • Roj hmab taug qab undercarriage customized structural qhov chaw rau drilling rig crane neeg hlau los ntawm Tuam Tshoj chaw tsim tshuaj paus

    Roj hmab taug qab undercarriage customized structural qhov chaw rau drilling rig crane neeg hlau los ntawm Tuam Tshoj chaw tsim tshuaj paus

    Lub tuam txhab Yijiang tuaj yeem ua raws li kev cai undercarriage rau kev tsim kho tshuab. Cov txheej txheem ntau lawm yog ua raws li nruj raws li cov txheej txheem ntawm machining thiab manufacturing, thiab qib zoo yog siab.

    Cov khoom yog tsim rau drilling rig / excavator / crane, qhov tshwj xeeb tsis muaj raws li hauv qab no:

    Dav ntawm roj hmab khiav (mm): 350 * 52.5 * 90

    Load peev (kg): 5000

    Qhov hnyav (kg): 1020

    Lub cev muaj zog qauv: Kev sib tham hauv tsev lossis Ntshuam

    Qhov loj me (hli): 2180 * 350 * 520

    Kev ceev ceev (km / h): 2-4km / h

    Max qib muaj peev xwm a°: ≤30°

    Hom: YIKANG lossis Custom LOGO rau koj

  • Tuam Tshoj kev cai excavator qhov chaw roj hmab undercarriage nrog siab configuration rau digger crane drilling rig

    Tuam Tshoj kev cai excavator qhov chaw roj hmab undercarriage nrog siab configuration rau digger crane drilling rig

    Lub tuam txhab Yijiang tuaj yeem ua raws li kev cai undercarriage rau kev tsim kho tshuab. Cov txheej txheem ntau lawm yog ua raws li nruj raws li cov txheej txheem ntawm machining thiab manufacturing, thiab qib zoo yog siab.

    Cov khoom yog tsim los rau kab laug sab nqa / of elevator / crane, qhov tshwj xeeb tsis muaj raws li hauv qab no:

    Dav ntawm roj hmab khiav (mm): 350 * 52.5 * 90

    Load peev (kg): 5000

    Qhov hnyav (kg): 1020

    Lub cev muaj zog qauv: Kev sib tham hauv tsev lossis Ntshuam

    Qhov loj me (hli): 2180 * 350 * 520

    Kev ceev ceev (km / h): 2-4km / h

    Max qib muaj peev xwm a°: ≤30°

    Hom: YIKANG lossis Custom LOGO rau koj

  • Rubber taug qab undercarriage

    Rubber taug qab undercarriage

    Unique Undercarriage

    Peb tshwj xeeb hauv kev tsim, kev tsim kho, thiab kev tsim khoom ntawm kev taug qab undercarriages.

  • Tuam Tshoj roj hmab tracked undercarriage nrog dozer hniav rau mini crawler drilling rig excavator bulldozer

    Tuam Tshoj roj hmab tracked undercarriage nrog dozer hniav rau mini crawler drilling rig excavator bulldozer

    Lub tuam txhab Yijiang tuaj yeem ua raws li kev cai undercarriage rau kev tsim kho tshuab. Cov txheej txheem ntau lawm yog ua raws li nruj raws li cov txheej txheem ntawm machining thiab manufacturing, thiab qib zoo yog siab.

    Cov khoom yog tsim los rau drilling rig / excacator / digger / crane thiab lwm yam, qhov tshwj xeeb tsis muaj raws li hauv qab no:

    Dav ntawm roj hmab khiav (mm): 350 * 52.5 * 90

    Load peev (kg): 5000

    Qhov hnyav (kg): 1000

    Lub cev muaj zog qauv: Kev sib tham hauv tsev lossis Ntshuam

    Qhov Loj (mm): 2182 * 350 * 540

    Kev ceev ceev (km / h): 2-4km / h

    Max qib muaj peev xwm a°: ≤30°

    Hom: YIKANG lossis Custom LOGO rau koj

  • 15 tons customized ncej roj hmab khiav excavator qhov chaw crawler undercarriage nrog slewing bearing los ntawm Tuam Tshoj

    15 tons customized ncej roj hmab khiav excavator qhov chaw crawler undercarriage nrog slewing bearing los ntawm Tuam Tshoj

    Lub tuam txhab Yijiang tuaj yeem ua raws li kev cai undercarriage rau kev tsim kho tshuab. Cov txheej txheem ntau lawm yog ua raws li nruj raws li cov txheej txheem ntawm machining thiab manufacturing, thiab qib zoo yog siab.

    Cov khoom yog tsim los rau excacator / digger / crane thiab lwm yam, qhov tshwj xeeb tsis muaj raws li hauv qab no:

    Dav ntawm roj hmab khiav (mm): 500

    Load peev (kg): 13000-15000

    Qhov hnyav (kg): 2200

    Lub cev muaj zog qauv: Kev sib tham hauv tsev lossis Ntshuam

    Qhov Loj (mm): 3800 * 1800 * 700

    Kev ceev ceev (km / h): 2-4km / h

    Max qib muaj peev xwm a°: ≤30°

    Hom: YIKANG lossis Custom LOGO rau koj

  • Tsis-kos roj hmab khiav kev cai crawler undercarriage rau mini kab laug sab nqa / of elevator los ntawm Tuam Tshoj Yijiang

    Tsis-kos roj hmab khiav kev cai crawler undercarriage rau mini kab laug sab nqa / of elevator los ntawm Tuam Tshoj Yijiang

    Lub tuam txhab Yijiang tuaj yeem ua raws li kev cai undercarriage rau kev tsim kho tshuab. Cov txheej txheem ntau lawm yog ua raws li nruj raws li cov txheej txheem ntawm machining thiab manufacturing, thiab qib zoo yog siab.

    Cov khoom yog tsim los rau kab laug sab nqa, qhov tshwj xeeb tsis muaj raws li hauv qab no:

    Hom: kev cai multifunctional daim ntawv thov

    Load peev: 2 tons

    Loj: 1500mm x 200mm x 400mm

    Cov khoom tuaj: Jiangsu, Suav teb

    Brand: YIKANG

    Lub sij hawm xa tuaj: 35 hnub

  • Kev cai roj hmab taug qab undercarriage rau mini crawler Kab laug sab nqa / of elevator los ntawm Tuam Tshoj chaw tsim tshuaj paus

    Kev cai roj hmab taug qab undercarriage rau mini crawler Kab laug sab nqa / of elevator los ntawm Tuam Tshoj chaw tsim tshuaj paus

    Lub tuam txhab Yijiang tuaj yeem ua raws li kev cai undercarriage rau kev tsim kho tshuab. Cov txheej txheem ntau lawm yog ua raws li nruj raws li cov txheej txheem ntawm machining thiab manufacturing, thiab qib zoo yog siab.

    Cov khoom yog tsim los rau kab laug sab nqa / of elevator, qhov tshwj xeeb tsis muaj raws li hauv qab no:

    Hom: kev cai multifunctional daim ntawv thov

    Load peev: 2 tons

    Loj: 1500mm x 200mm x 400mm

    Cov khoom tuaj: Jiangsu, Suav teb

    Brand: YIKANG

    Lub sij hawm xa tuaj: 35 hnub

  • Dav khiav undercarriage rau drilling rig crusher nrog hydraulic lub cev muaj zog hauv suab puam

    Dav khiav undercarriage rau drilling rig crusher nrog hydraulic lub cev muaj zog hauv suab puam

    Lub tuam txhab Yijiang tuaj yeem ua raws li kev cai undercarriage rau kev tsim kho tshuab. Cov txheej txheem ntau lawm yog ua raws li nruj raws li cov txheej txheem ntawm machining thiab manufacturing, thiab qib zoo yog siab.

    Cov khoom yog tsim los rau Crusher / drilling rig, qhov tshwj xeeb tsis muaj raws li hauv qab no:

    Hom: kev cai loj thiab muaj peev xwm thauj khoom

    Load peev: 20 tons

    Loj: 4110 * 700 * 760

    Txoj kab uas hla: 700mm

    Cov khoom tuaj: Jiangsu, Suav teb

  • Kev cai roj hmab taug qab undercarriage nrog 4 ceg rau mining crushing thiab dismantling neeg hlau

    Kev cai roj hmab taug qab undercarriage nrog 4 ceg rau mining crushing thiab dismantling neeg hlau

    Lub tuam txhab Yijiang tuaj yeem ua raws li kev cai undercarriage rau kev tsim kho tshuab. Cov txheej txheem ntau lawm yog ua raws li nruj raws li cov txheej txheem ntawm machining thiab manufacturing, thiab qib zoo yog siab.

    Cov khoom yog tsim los rau Crushing thiab dismantling neeg hlau, qhov tshwj xeeb tsis yog raws li nram no:

    Hom: kev cai loj thiab muaj peev xwm thauj khoom

    Load peev: 2 tons

    Loj: 1414 * 1080 * 370

    Txoj kab uas hla: 200mm

    Cov khoom tuaj: Jiangsu, Suav teb

    Brand: YIKANG