
Good news: The company received a new batch of fire-fighting robot chassis orders

Recently, there was excellent news from Yijiang's customers : the four-drive fire-fighting robot is now in high demand, thanks to the usage of Yijiang technology, so that we are still receiving orders for roughly 40 sets of chassis.
Fire fighting robots are typically utilized in dangerous environments, complex terrain, and other working situations. And the four-drive crawler chassis can give the robot in a difficult environment stability, mobility, and carrying capacity, so that it can better execute fire jobs.
The following is the flexibility and climbing test of the fire-fighting robot

 After watching the video, people really can't help liking this robot. The robot can quickly climb more than 30 degrees of stairs, can be very flexible rotation, forward, backward, and can replace firefighters to perform fire fighting tasks.


----Zhenjiang Yijiang Machinery Co.,ltd----

Post time: May-25-2024