A heavy capacity front idler is required for Morooka MST1500 crawler carriers at the back of the undercarriage. The heavy rubber tracks on the MST1500 series require the idler to bear the weight of the track at the back of the machine and maintain tension due to the long undercarriage and heavy track weight. When the idler is brand-new, the wheel has a diameter of almost seventeen and a half inches, so you can measure the wear on your current idler to see how much of the diameter has been worn. Na mestu, kjer počiva znotraj vodilnega sistema gumijaste proge, je dejanska širina kolesa več kot dva centimetra. Ta komponenta v prostem teku ima namestitvene matice. Skupaj s temi napetostmi imamo v trgovini tudi zobnike, spodnje valje in zgornje valje. Če želite podaljšati življenjsko dobo novih delov, preglejte celotno podvozje, preden oddate naročilo in zamenjate vse obrabljene ali poškodovane dele.